T O P I C LTD. Management Consulting
T O P I C  LTD.Management Consulting

Liaison Offices / Representative Offices

Wir haben bis heute verschiedene Handelsvertretungen für deutsche und chinesische Unternehmen im jeweils anderen Land übernommen. Hierbei nutzen wir unsere Kontakte und finden die für unsere Kunden optimale Lösung.

Meistens handelte es sich bisher um Start-up Projekte, bei denen noch keinerlei Erfahrungen unserer Klienten im jeweils ausgewählten ausländischen Markt vorlagen.


Unsere Aufgabe war es, die Marktsituation zu erfassen und jeweils die optimale Eintrittsstrategie zu finden.


Dabei haben wir auch viele erste Messeauftritte für unsere Klienten erfolgreich realisiert.  






Since China‘s entry into the WTO in 2002 the good commercial relations between China and Germany have developed further, and the bilateral trade volume is already more than 24 billion Euro. More and more Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises are also participating in this success and launching activities on the European market. And most of them have already recognized the advantages of an office in Germany for managing their foreign trade activities in Europe. More than 300 Chinese enterprises have already established themselves in Germany since the 1980‘s. 


自从2002年中国加入世贸组织以后中德两国之间的良好的贸易合作关系有了更广泛的发展前景。目前中德之间的贸易额已经超过了240 万欧元。在这方面中国的中小型企业也做出了令人瞩目的业绩。越来越多的中国中小企业试图加入从事对欧贸易的企业行列。大部分企业在这过程中很快就认识到德国的优势地位。 


Despite this encouraging trend, most Chinese enterprises are confronted with significant hurdles and risks in their first attempts to do business in and with Europe. Chinese enterprises need to know the conditions of the European market. This includes handling complex issues such as import regulations, tax laws, technical standards and norms, as well as more mundane but nonetheless essential challenges such as visa, residence and work permits. Chinese enterprises need a trusted, competent contact person to ensure their success in Europe. The  T O P I C  OFFICES - both consulting company and trade - and liaison office - provide Chinese companies with the services they need for operating in Europe. 


但是不容忽视的是大部分中国企业在向欧洲迈出第一步时就会遇到的障碍和风险。中国企业需要适应欧洲当地市场的要求。复杂的进出口贸易方面的规定,税法方面的规定,较高的技术标准,当然还有签证,居留及工作许可方面的问题也对中国企业成功进入欧洲市场起着决定性作用。总的来说对欧洲市场有兴趣的中国企业数目一直在持续增长1980 年以来已有300多家中国企业在德国成立了子公司。 


We offer a broad spectrum of services to our Chinese clients. Available on demand, when and only to the extent required. Our flexible approach makes it possible for Chinese companies to access the European market with an affordable budget and minimal risks. 


Services include, for example, an office on demand or on a permanent basis, feasibility studies, personal study tours and contacts with companies, market research, joint venture preparation and of course setting up a representation or trade agent office. 






除了项目可行性报告到组织赴欧进行实地考察和合作伙伴进行首次接触我们还提供一系列服务项目 如市场调查寻找合资合作伙伴协助建立代表处或贸易代理。 


在此我们提供不同程度的服务全面服务单项服务等等 具体请见附上的市场计划

